Friday, September 16, 2011

Birthday Eve

I was starting to get a little moody today about my birthday.

Weird, right? I mean...considering that I've been waiting with excited anticipation for quite a while now for my birthday, you'd think that today would be the big lead-in.

But instead, I found myself getting all sorts of reflective.

I was walking back from delivering the mail at work and realized that, at 33, perhaps I have lived a third of my life. Then the questions started to come. What have I done with my life? What are my talents, and am I using them? Where am I with my job/career, and where do I want to be? What improvements can I make? Will I get married? Have children? Go back to school? 

Granted, these questions are not really bad, but sometimes when they hit all together, they can be overwhelming. I could feel myself starting to go down that woe-is-me road.

But then my visiting teachers came with a birthday treat for me. And they brought me this beautiful balloon bouquet and made me feel like like a million bucks. They are fantastic, and I am so grateful that they are my friends!

Ok - it's getting late, and I can't figure out why this pic won't rotate, but you get the idea. :) Happy Birthday Eve!

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